In the 1940s, a family passionate about coffee production arrived in Mandaguari, north of Paraná, willing to work hard to produce high quality coffee. With great willingness to face the difficulties of the time, the Lopes family built a coffee tradition passed from father to son.
Always evolving, the new generation has been following the changes and technological innovations from the harvesting process, which is now completely mechanized, to the final product that keeps the trust,
tradition and the excellence of its products, being part of the families.
From Bean to Cup
From growing coffee to the product you consume at home, there are several stages and all are treated with great respect and seriousness. Café Bela Esperança brings consumers the pleasure of balanced flavor, with the characteristic aroma of a true coffee from Paraná.
How we started
A Family Tradition
Our Principles
To be a reference in the coffee world, with continuous and sustainable growth.
Make every moment the best time of day.
To provide our customers and partners the
assurance of a good deal, offering quality coffee that exceeds their expectations.
Customer satisfaction
Transparently honor the commitments made with suppliers, partners and customers.
Maintain continuous growth, prioritizing environmental causes and acting positively with society.